Thursday, September 17, 2009

A site i found

Today i found a good website that could help people that have conflict. This site explains symptom you don't realize you do such as full of fustration an ready to go off. Also it talks about conflict improve our life and lean from past mistake.third relationship conflict make people have stress, hurts friendship, and can cause injury and death. the biggest thing i lean is you cant always aviod relationship conflict but you can lean to manage it without violence. To all the people that have conflict this a good site for you to look for help.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


As team3, I am excited to be blogging this year on the topic of co-existence. This quarter I am going to look in to is cliques at my school. Cliques are an exclusive group who identify with each other interact frequently. Most cliques are usually found at school. Most cliques that are known are the popluar, geeks, goth, cheerleaders, jocks, band, and many other groups that are cliques. A lot of freshman are in cliques because they are new and don't know as many people.