Thursday, November 12, 2009

How Do Drugs effect your body?

How do drugs effect your body i would say it depend on the drug you use. there are lots of illegal in the world that people use that are bad for them . the illiegal drugs really effects you body because you want more and more. for example people do all types of illiegal drugs like cocanie,crack,hashish,heroin, marijuana, and many more.those are the drugs that effect the outside of your body and the inside.the appear of your body will not be the same as it was before you was using addtion you body will have black mark on your face,arms,legs,and back.also you will feel achy and sore if you dont use the drugs that you body is hooked do you think drugs are effecting people that use drugs body?

Monday, November 2, 2009


Intro: To star off with the religion I choose is Daoism also known as Taoism based on the teaching of Tao Te Ching. Tao Te Ching is a short tract written made in the 6th century B.C in China. To lean more keep reading to find out more on the religion Daoism. Symbol

Founder and Rituals: The founder of the Daoism is the grate Lao-Tze himself. As for the riturls they do really have any. Daoism is all about clearing your mind and taking things in mainly.

Number of follwers and location:

The number of follower of Daoism religion are 225 million in China.

Holy book & Holiday: Taotf Ching is the Daoism religion holy book. Furthermore the holiday is the birth of deities or the solstices. In addition the birth of Lao- Tzus on the 15th day of the 2nd lunar month, the most important holiday to the Daoism.

Dress/ organization: Daiosm dressing was something in my oppion you would not wear because it is diffrent for what you see people dress today .They wore a clothing called Daoism, general name for the clothing. Finally their organization varied over time and sect, and have ranged a tightly structured theocracy. Now you know about my religion tell me some thing about your religion.