Monday, November 2, 2009


Intro: To star off with the religion I choose is Daoism also known as Taoism based on the teaching of Tao Te Ching. Tao Te Ching is a short tract written made in the 6th century B.C in China. To lean more keep reading to find out more on the religion Daoism. Symbol

Founder and Rituals: The founder of the Daoism is the grate Lao-Tze himself. As for the riturls they do really have any. Daoism is all about clearing your mind and taking things in mainly.

Number of follwers and location:

The number of follower of Daoism religion are 225 million in China.

Holy book & Holiday: Taotf Ching is the Daoism religion holy book. Furthermore the holiday is the birth of deities or the solstices. In addition the birth of Lao- Tzus on the 15th day of the 2nd lunar month, the most important holiday to the Daoism.

Dress/ organization: Daiosm dressing was something in my oppion you would not wear because it is diffrent for what you see people dress today .They wore a clothing called Daoism, general name for the clothing. Finally their organization varied over time and sect, and have ranged a tightly structured theocracy. Now you know about my religion tell me some thing about your religion.

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